OOO Messe Duesseldorf Moscow hereby invites you to participate in the 27th International Trade Fair Processing and Packaging upakovka 2019.
The trade fair will be held in the Hall Forum at the Expocentre Fairground from 29th January to 1st February 2019, alongside the 22nd International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber interplastica 2019.
upakovka is a wide range of innovative products and services that will help you learn of new trends and opportunities in the packaging market. At the trade fair, you will find both finished packaging and various packaging materials for the production of food, bakery and confectionery, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, consumer and industrial goods, as well as drinks.
Among upakovka new partners is the Association of Pharmaceutical Packaging Manufacturers (APFU). APFU unites leading Russian manufacturers of pharmaceutical packaging for representation and protection of common interests as well as socially useful purposes of non-commercial nature. Cooperation with the Association will help bring in manufacturers of packaging materials for the pharmaceutical industry to the trade fair.
upakovka has also become an organisational partner of the INTEGRITY Exhibition and Forum event. This is an open space for communication, getting to know one another, presentation of company products and services, which is aimed at formation of an integrated platform for communication between business representatives in the field of production of food, beverages, FMCG and companies rendering a whole range of services in the area of branding, design, printing equipment, production of promotional items, packaging solutions. As part of the event there will be organised the INTEGRITY GARDEN Partner Zone whereat upakovka 2019 will be represented with an information stand. The INTEGRITY Exhibition and Forum will take place from 23rd to 25th October 2018 at DI TELEGRAPH venue in Moscow.
Customarily in October, upakovka will act as an information partner of the St Petersburg Printing Forum Print PARK, which is the biggest business event of the country’s printing industry. The Forum will be held on 16th October in the RUSSIA IS MY HISTORY Museum and Exhibition Centre in St Petersburg.
Participation in upakovka 2019 has already been confirmed by overseas companies Krones AG, KHS GmbH, Koenig & Bauer MetalPrint GmbH, Comexi Group Industries S.A.U., Heuft Systemtechnik GmbH, Anton Ohlert GmbH & Co., B&B Verpackungstechnik GmbH, Beumer Group GmbH & Co. KG, Caotech bv, CBV – Christoph Binder Verpackungsmaschinen, Chocotech GmbH, Evoguard GmbH, FAWEMA GmbH, Gebr. Leonhardt GmbH & Co. KG, Haver & Boecker OHG, Hebenstreit GmbH, Kampf Schneid- und Wickeltechnik GmbH Co. KG, KOSME srl, Maschinenfrabik Möllers GmbH, Payper S.A., Sollich KG, Theegarten-Pactec GmbH & Co. KG, thyssenkrupp Rasselstein GmbH, TRAPO AG, Winkler und Dünnebier Süßwarenmaschinen GmbH, FPC Industry Co. Ltd., Mill Powder Tech Co. Ltd, NISSEI ASB GmbH, PEC Project Engineering + Consulting AG, R&D/Leverage, SIPA spa.
Among home companies that have applied for participation are ООО Danaflex-Nano, Zolotoy Shar Group, OOO Russkaya, ROBOTEK Production Company, OOO PACKLAND, OOO Tech-Long Rus, OOO VA Systems, Mikhail Kurako, ZAO Kropotkin Plant MiSSP, ZAO NTC AT Forintek, OSTPACK Tecnology, Unipack Centre, OOO YUMAN, OOO ORIENTAL GRUPP, ZAO Bestrom, OOO Integral Plus, OOO ZODIAC LITO, OOO MK Vselug, OOO Norte Group, ECI Ltd, NordAquaTrade, LLC, Meatech LLC, NOMATECH s.r.o., EFFYTECHNIKA LLC and etc.
upakovka is not just a demonstration of equipment and materials, but is also an open platform for discussions and shared experiences. For four days, the innovationparc business zone will be totally fee for the participants, there the exhibitors and leading specialists of the packaging industry will speak of the latest packaging market trends and will share secrets and best sales and business promotion tools. Within the scope of innovationparc we customarily cooperate with the National Packaging Confederation (NCPack), the German Engineering Federation (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau – VDMA), the Global Association for Marketing at Retail POPAI, Russian Branding Companies Association (RBCA), Tara i Upakovka (Package & Packaging) and Publish Magazines. In 2019, for the first time ever there will be two business zones working at the same time allowing for conducting more seminars in topical market issues.
Please fill in the Application for Participation in upakovka 2019 and send it over to us right now!
See the trade fair official website
upakovka 2018 exhibitors’ feedback
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The organisers’ contacts:
Ekaterina Shvetc
Tel.: +7(495) 955-91-99 # 628
Fax: +7(499) 246-92-77
Anna Fedorova
Tel.: +7(495) 955-91-99 #622
Fax: +7(499) 246-92-77