Rules for authors

The “Raw materials and packaging for cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals” journal is accepting free publication of scientific, technical, popular science articles and original reviews on various aspects of the development and creation of cosmetic formulations and household chemicals, topical issues regarding choosing raw materials for the production of cosmetics and household chemicals, legal issues related to the production of cosmetics and household chemicals. Market research and expert reviews of the raw materials market for cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals, and the market for finished products, articles about equipment for the cosmetics industry, packaging for cosmetics and household chemicals are as well accepted for publication. Find more details on article topics in the media plans section.

Articles published free of charge should not contain direct advertising (product brand names), but may contain INCI names. In addition, the heading should indicate the organization the author represents.

The text should be typed using Microsoft Office Word, its volume shouldn’t exceed 18,000 characters excluding spaces.

It’s acceptable if the article heading, names and surnames of the authors, as well as the article name are duplicated in English language.

As well, the article should be supplied with an executive summary (An English executive summary is accepted). The list of references is provided as per author’s will, references to the source materials are given in the order of citation and are indicated by square brackets.

Articles can be supplied with schemes, graphs, tables, charts, photographs. In this case, the article’s text should contain references to illustrations in bold, for example, (Fig. 1), or (Table 1). Illustrations should be named. Illustrations should be in good quality, charts, photographs and graphs should be clearly legible in black and white.

Bibliography (Russian Science Citation Index methodical instructions)

The bibliography follows after the article’s text and it is formulated in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008.

Among references it is advisable to include:
• 2 – 3 article references (about the topic being touched) in leading Russian and foreign journals, this demonstrates the author’s scientific perspective;
• 1 – 2 references to their works, in order to demonstrate the scope and depth of their research;
• the remaining references are for materials that were used by the author in the preparation of the scientific article, they will allow the reader to quickly find material sources to which the author refers and to become familiar with them, ensuring reliable data from the sources. The author is to acknowledge ideas from other authors to avoid plagiarism.
The list of references shouldn’t include any materials that don’t have a specific author, including: laws, standards (including GOSTs), articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias, website pages where no specific author is indicated.

If you need to refer to such materials, then their referencing should be in the form of footnotes in the article’s text.

If you don’t know how to properly arrange sources in the list of references, use the Examples or contact the Information and Bibliographic Department of the Information and Intellectual Center-Scientific Library.

List of references example:
1. Adult education content and process: the problem of advanced education: Collected scientific papers / Institute of Adult Education, Russian Academy of Education; edited by A. E. Marona. Moscow: IAE 2007. page 118
2. Kovshikov V.A., Glukhov V.P. Psycholinguistics: Theory of Speech Activity: text edition for Educational college students. Moscow : Astrel; Tver: Publishing house, 2006. page 319 (Tertiary Institute).

Materials can be sent to the editors’ e-mail address with the contact person and contact phone number.

The editors reserve the exclusive right to accept and/or reject materials they receive for publication. A fee-based cooperation with authors is possible.