The premiere of 2018 – Retail Hub – will unite the suppliers of store equipment, IT, marketing and design solutions with retailers to develop omnichannel distribution satisfying growing client expectations in the face of new trends and competition.
Russian and international service and technology providers within two days will present their best ideas, products and innovations for retail trade and service industries, as well as discuss technological strategies which change a retail world today. The retail professionals will have a unique opportunity to learn more the world latest trends in IT and Digital, Marketing and Design, Equipment and Services.
6 reasons to participate in Retail Hub:
To find your customer at the emerging market of retail in Russia and CIS
To present your innovations and new products to the leading international and Russian retail chains
To expand a circle of business contacts
To obtain a unique information about a retail business, to study technology strategies, the best ideas and products for retail and service industry
To take part in organized negotiations and business conference with market leaders
To use the exhibition as a unique platform for PR promotion of your company
Retail Hub visitor’s profile:
The visitors are the representatives of retail chains, specialized (non-food) retail chains, drugstores, online stores, wholesale companies, distributors, exporters/importers The target audience is top managers, directors of commercial, IT, marketing/advertising, security, technical/production/development departments