LANICO presented the world first „SteeloCare“. The specialist for aerosol can production showed the first tinplate monobloc design aerosol cans to an interested trade audience. The innovative cans have been developed in a technology allicance with the packaging steel producer ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein (Andernach/Germany) and the press manufacturer Schuler Pressen (Göppingen/Germany). „SteeloCare“ features a completely monobloc look with excellent printing quality and surface feel as well as seamless printed impression.
A technique developed by LANICO for the first time permits inner seaming of the can. A visible bottom fold is not required. The „SteeloCare“ can is very stable and reaches the 18 bar classification and burst pressures of more than 25 bar without difficulty. Furthermore, the tinplate can is 100 percent recyclable and does not need any lubricants. Extensive cleaning is no longer required.
Michael Kaufmann, LANICO Technical Director, describes the aerosol can’s benefits: „While developing this can, we optimised all successive and interrelated processes together with ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein and Schuler. Machine employment and tool use have been minimised and corrosion stability is extremely high. Thanks to the steel material developed by ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein, the can bodies by Schuler and the LANICO inner fold application our customers receive an optimum system with guaranteed functionality and performance.“
In cooperation with ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein and Schuler, LANICO managed to engineer a complete can making solution that permits standardisation of semi-finished parts. A big step forward compared to the classic three piece aerosol can for which every canmaker currently employs its own measurements. Standardisation generates significant cost advantages.