A team of researchers from a Liverpool university has developed a new computational model which could potentially predict the toxicity of cosmetics ingredients better than «trial-and-error» animal testing.
Дайджест • новости
Новый натуральный актив Dandrilys®, сокращающий образование перхоти
Greentech has presented a new natural active to reduce dandruff appearance Dandrilys® can substitute the well-known chemical product, zinc pyrithione. In addition to its high dandruff reduction activity DANDRILYS® presents high cleansing, soothing and anti-itch activities.
Новый тест пептида Argireline®, действующего против мимических морщин
Excellent in vivo results in only 7 days of treatment at a concentration of 2%. After 7 days values showed a statistically significant decrease in the average volume (-20,6%) and length (-15,9%) of the wrinkles. Results are visible in macroscopic images from volunteer above.
Консорциум ЕС закончил поддержку РНМВ в составе аэрозолей
A technical consortia established by Cosmetics Europe has ruled that it will no longer support the use of poly(hexamethylene)biguanide hydrochloride, a substance present in propellant driven aerosol spray products.
Компания Multiceras разработала революционный метод экстракции воска
The famous Mexican producer of natural cosmetic components – Multiceras has developed and implemented in the production practice a unique Candelilla wax extraction method using citric acid instead of sulfuric acid.
Коррекция фигуры с Iso-SlimComplex
Новый загуститель натурального происхождения для систем ПАВ от Lubrizol
The Lubrizol Corporation introduces Glucamate(TM) CCO thickener. This newest rheology modifier in the family of methyl glucoside derivatives is a non-ethoxylated, naturally derived thickener for mild surfactant systems. This product is compatible with a variety of sulfate and sulfate-free surfactants, is exceptionally easy to use and provides unprecedented formulation flexibility, allowing formulator creativity in a…