21-24 ноября, Париж, Франция We are pleased to let you know that ALL4PACK will be taking place from 21 to 24 November 2022 at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition complex. This edition will give all professionals the chance to meet up and discuss the sector’s biggest challenges. There are many urgent matters and, given the scale of today’s environmental issues, our challenges are huge and sustainable packaging is at the heart of these hot topics. In the meantime, you can learn more about the challenges the sector is facing and the emerging solutions in ‘La Révolution de l’Emballage’ (‘The Packaging Revolution’). In this must-read book, Fabrice PELTIER, expert in packaging design and consultant for ALL4PACK, gives an open-minded overview of emerging trends in the main categories of packaging materials. You’ll learn that many solutions are currently emerging. Each had advantages, but drawbacks too. Some of this packaging is already on the market, while other types are at the manufacturing stage and the most ground-breaking are still prototypes. |