On April 14, 2015, the European Innovation Prize for cosmetics, natural products and raw materials was awarded for the 13th time in the following categories: “most innovative raw material concept” (“naturals/ actives” and “functionals/ recipients”) and “most innovative cosmetic product”.
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«РТ-Химкомпозит»: новая технология производства метилхлорсиланов
Holding Company RT Chemcomposite belongs to the state corporation «Rostec 2» has developed a unique technology to produce basic monomers (methylchlorosilanes) for the manufacturing of silicone materials for the subsidiary of JSC «Kazan Synthetic Rubber Plant» – JSC «KZSK-Silicon.».
BASF: новые ингредиенты с особыми органолептическими характеристиками
This year at in-Cosmetics BASF demonstrated new products, formulations and solutions with special organoleptic characteristics, can play a decisive role in the formation of consumer preferences. There are new products, formulations and solutions with special organoleptic characteristics can play a decisive role in the formation of consumer preferences this year in-Cosmetics BASF.
Gattefossе© готовится к будущему с технологией NaDES
Gattefoss© has obtained exclusive rights to develop and commercialize cosmetic active ingredients obtained using the highly innovative NaDES technology (Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents).
100% прозрачность с Lipex SheaClear
Dr. Bronner™ представил новую зубную пасту
Генетически модифицированные дрожжи – альтернатива натуральным цветочным экстрактам?
Boston-based specialists in synthetic biology Ginkgo Biowork is using yeast to produce fragrances that are cheaper than using naturally sourced ingredients.
Новое натуральное ПАВ для косметики из Чили
Naturex is launching Sapnov™, a natural foaming agent extracted from quillaia in Chile. By doing so, the company adds another type of ingredients to its existing range.
L’Orеal: программа, которая изменит парикмахерское искусство
L’Oreal Professional Products Division is rolling out “Salon Emotion”, a pioneering programme to support the development of the hairdressing industry in Europe. Launched in France and other major European countries starting January 2015, the program aims to transform 6 000 salons in Europe by the end of 2018.