domestic chemistry Novelties
Henkel Opens a new Production Building of the Plant in the Moscow
The new production building of the plant of the German company Henkel for the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics opened on February 6, in the Moscow region.
Hyaluronan: the new opportunities
The seminar of Contipro company «Hyaluronan: new opportunities» was held at the Embassy of the Czech Republic on January 29, 2020.
Innovation to Drive the Future of China’s Cosmetics Industry
Liu P., PCHi Project Manager, Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions
PCHi – China’s choice sourcing platform for the global personal care industry – has been committed to promoting technology and innovation. It is our desire that PCHi’s commitment to technology will translate into a driving force for innovation and development within the cosmetics industry.
Autobronzants – the Bronze Body is Beautiful
Krasney E.
Even if the fashion for a tanned body passes, autobronzant will still find application, as, the results achieved with its help are more durable than makeup. This is an important for those who are forced to hide uneven pigmentation under autobronzant or want to make enlarged vessels less noticeable. But for now, autobronzant – melaidine or alternative, melanin – is a great opportunity to taint your skin without the need to subject it to unsafe UV exposure.
Cosmetic Tubes in 2019 – trends in one of the largest packaging segments
Leonov R., editor
The past 2019 was a critical point for some packaging solutions. Some of them, looked previously naive, ridiculous
and unrealistic, have swum with the current and, probably, would only strengthen their positions in the coming years. Other trends, although they did not become dominant, nevertheless remains active players. In the review, we will rely on the results of major international competitions, the jury of which is both packaging customers and manufacturers.
Safe sun
Rusina S.
Can the Sun be safe? Yes, it can, if you know all the potential threats caused by solar radiation. Yes, it can, if you provide proper protection against that. Even a nuclear reactor becomes safe when all risks are taken into account and this reactor is under the control of qualified specialists. The sun, in fact, is the same nuclear reactor that provides energy to the entire Solar System. So, the Sun Care specialists must be extremely knowledgeable about the matter.
Peptides: confirmation of effectiveness
In the last 20 years many new peptides have been developed, and new knowledge on how peptides improve the skin has been uncovered. Some peptides have been proven in their efficacy through clinical skin trials. Well-known and documented peptides are still under research to obtain more details on their effectiveness, and for the development of new treatments. As with all actives, the formulator must ensure that these ingredients are formulated under optimal conditions to deliver the best results.
Syn®-Hycan – Hyaluronic Acid Boosting and Internal Skin Remodeling
The new data of peptide molecule SYN®-HYCAN, DSM Nutritional Products Ltd. shows how much this peptide boosts HA synthesis in dermal and epidermal cells in vitro and ex vivo. Therefore be considered and used as an effective cosmetic alternative to dermal fillers or to enhance the effects of HA injections in between treatments.
Zeolites in modern laundry detergents
Merkulov D.A, Ph.D., specialist of the technical and consulting support service, Revada LLC
Every year more and more stringent requirements are made of modern detergents for washing fabrics. Ionexchanged zeolites, replaced phosphates and polyphosphates, are becoming increasingly important as the basic components of detergents for washing fabrics. This article gives a general description of zeolites, as well as the structure, properties, preparation, safety, and application of the main types of synthetic ion-exchange zeolites.
Packaging for Car Care and Car Cosmetics: on the way to import substitution
Berezina E.
Almost all chemicals for cars are toxic. Therefore, the packaging requirements for this category of products are high, the main of which is tightness and safety for the consumer. Car chemicals and cosmetics use the same packaging as most household cleaning products. The main types of containers are canisters, plastic bottles of various sizes, equipped with dosing, trigger and spray systems, tubes and aerosols.
How exclusivity is created
Vasilieva A., Creative Director and owner of Beauty Solution Agency
Euromonitor International analysts examined consumer preferences and behavior in 2019 and made predictions for 2020 One of the main trends in consumer demands, experts called the desire to receive an exclusive product. The global marketing agencies have been talking about the growth of such a trend as the “premium” of cosmetic brands back in 2017, and since then it has only been gaining relevance. What are the hallmarks of a premium brand? A creative director and owner of Beauty Solution Agency Asya Vasilieva explains us…
From “Garage Manufacturing” to Rating of Top Brands – a Wonder Lab’s History of Success
Wonder Lab is a brand of detergents created by branding agency Depot for the company BioMikroGeli based in Yekaterinburg.